JMS Swath - Ghost

GHOST is a unique SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) surface vehicle developed by Juliet Marine Systems, Inc. SWATH vessels offer superior sea keeping stability in higher sea states than equivalently sized displacement vessels. Inherent in a SWATH design is the requirement for an increase in submerged wetted surface area. This increased surface area contributes to greater hydrodynamic drag, requiring significantly higher power to reach higher vessel speeds. The JMS Ghost is unique among SWATH vessels due to a novel drag reduction technology that employs a Venturi based air induction system. In addition, Ghost has uses articulated wings to allow ride height control and stability at both low and high speeds. The dynamic flight control system assures a smooth ride across a wide range of sea states.

Joseph Curcio was the Vice President of Research and Engineering at Juliet Marine Systems through the early development stages. Leading a team of talented engineers and technicians, Mr. Curcio drove several key changes to the key elements of Ghost including modifications to the unique gas turbine engine control and exhaust system, paddle steering system and drag reduction system. Mr. Curcio was awarded patents for his contributions to some of these key developments.

General Dynamics has recently invested in advancing the Ghost technology. Learn more here:

The drag reduction technology employed on Ghost has been demonstrated to increase boat speed at reduced engine power. This passive air system employs a patented Venturi air induction system to draw atmospheric air from above the boat and release millions of micro-bubbles that surround the submerged structures.
